Gebharz, Skalka, Kebharec


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  • Gebharz (deu)
  • Skalka (cze)
  • Kebharec (cze)
  • Gemeinde (- 1961)
  • 303 (1842)
  • 284 (1880)
  • 271 (1890)
  • 243 (1900)
  • 217 (1910)
  • 192 (1921)
  • 166 (1930)
  • 177 (1939)
Artikel zu diesem Objekt im GenWiki
Geographische Position
  • 49.0098°N 15.2125°O berechneter Mittelpunkt des Objekts
  • Nummer des TK25-Kartenblatts: 6957

Übergeordnete Objekte


 politische Verwaltung
 kirchliche Verwaltung
 gerichtliche Verwaltung
 geographische Typen

Übergeordnete Objekte

Übergeordnete Objekte

Name Zeitraum Typ Quelle
Neubistritz, Nová Bystřice (1938 - 1945) Landkreis
Südmähren, Land an der Thaya Landschaft
Neubistritz, Nová Bystřice (2000 -) Stadt

Untergeordnete Objekte

Name Typ GOV-Kennung Zeitraum
Kebharec, Skalka Ort KEBRECJN79OA (- 1961)


	has 1842 population 303,
	has 1880 population 284,
	has 1890 population 271,
	has 1900 population 243,
	has 1910 population 217,
	has 1921 population 192,
	has 1930 population 166,
	has 1939 population 177,
	has 1961 population 305 sagt source_379404,
	has 1987 population 341 sagt source_320250,
	has URL,
	has external reference  BLO:42146,
	has external reference  geonames:2955941,
	has external reference  wikidata:Q568674,
	has from 1993-07-01 postal code 86424,
	has name (in cze) Kebharec,
	has name (in cze) Skalka,
	has name (in deu) Anried,
	has name (in deu) Gebharz,
	has until 1993-06-30 postal code W8901,
	is (in deu) Pfarrdorf,
	is from 1938 until 1945 part of object_306019,
	is from 1950 until 1952-01-23 part of object_1176762 sagt source_1048536 (1950 - S. 97),
	is from 1952-01-24 part of object_1176630 sagt source_1048536 (1952 - S. 48),
	is from 1972-07-01 part of object_300838,
	is from 2000 part of object_376983,
	is part of object_1088519 sagt source_379404 (Sp. 917),
	is part of object_307231,
	is until 1950 part of object_1087422 sagt source_1048536 (1950 - S. 97),
	is until 1961 (in deu) Gemeinde,
	is until 1972-06-30 part of object_1176637,
	located at 48.3447°N 10.5592°O;