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GOV-Kennung http://gov.genealogy.net/JZEEFWKO00TL
  • Józefów (pol)
  • Siedlung (1930)
  • Ortsteil (2015)
externe Kennung
  • SIMC:787678
Artikel zu diesem Objekt im GenWiki
Geographische Position
  • 50.4614°N 21.6169°O
  • Nummer des TK25-Kartenblatts: 5595

Übergeordnete Objekte


 politische Verwaltung
 kirchliche Verwaltung
 gerichtliche Verwaltung
 geographische Typen

Übergeordnete Objekte

Übergeordnete Objekte

Name Zeitraum Typ Quelle
Ślęzaki (1999 -) WeilerDorf Quelle
Dąbrowica (1930) Dorf


	has 1900 population 54822 sagt source_394481 (p. X),
	has 1903 area 21.71 sagt source_394481 (p. X),
	has 1910 area 24.46 sagt source_1341051 (Tab. III S. 43),
	has 1910 population 66553 sagt source_1341051 (Tab. III S. 42),
	has 1925 population 74195 sagt source_395211 (p. 12*),
	has 1928 area 44.44 sagt source_395211 (p. 12*),
	has 1933 population 77135 sagt source_1267338 (p. 13),
	has 1939 population 82315 sagt source_298730 (p. 16),
	has 1941 area 44.55 sagt source_298730 (p. 16),
	has 1950 population 99890 sagt source_394864 (p. 24),
	has 1952 area 44.54 sagt source_394864 (p. 24),
	has 1961 population 98335 sagt source_379404 (Sp. 747),
	has 1964 area 44.57 sagt source_379404 (Sp. 747),
	has 1970 area 44.66 sagt source_1343040 (A S. 18),
	has 1970 population 94774 sagt source_1343040 (A S. 18),
	has 1987 area 63.34 sagt source_1045014 (p. 99),
	has 1987 population 97480 sagt source_1045014 (p. 99),
	has 1995 population 108418 sagt source_284814,
	has 2000 population 110477 sagt source_284814,
	has 2005 population 113422 sagt source_284814,
	has URL  http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fürth,
	has URL  http://www.fuerth.de,
	has external reference  BLO:1317,
	has external reference  NUTS1999:DE253,
	has external reference  NUTS2003:DE253,
	has external reference  SIMC:787678,
	has external reference  wikidata:Q3075,
	has from 1993-07-01 postal code 9076.,
	has municipal id 09563000,
	has name (in deu) Fürth,
	has name (in pol) Józefów,
	has until 1993-06-30 postal code W8510,
	is (in deu) Kreisfreie Stadt,
	is 1930 (in deu) Siedlung,
	is 1930 part of DBRICAKO00TL,
	is 2015 (in deu) Ortsteil,
	is from 1838-01-01 until 1932-12-31 part of adm_369095,
	is from 1879-10-01 part of object_286406,
	is from 1933-01-01 until 1948-03-31 part of object_387047,
	is from 1948-04-01 part of adm_369095,
	is from 1999 part of LZAAKIKO00TL sagt source_1079298,
	located at 50.4614°N 21.6169°O;