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GOV-Kennung http://gov.genealogy.net/TALHOFJO40BL
  • Talhof (deu)
  • Hof
  • W6251 (- 1993-06-30)
  • 65614 (1993-07-01 -)
Artikel zu diesem Objekt im GenWiki
Geographische Position
  • 50.4809°N 8.1649°O
  • Nummer des TK25-Kartenblatts: 5514

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Übergeordnete Objekte


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 kirchliche Verwaltung
 gerichtliche Verwaltung
 geographische Typen

Übergeordnete Objekte

Übergeordnete Objekte

Name Zeitraum Typ Quelle
Beselich Gemeinde


	has 1875 population 740 sagt source_263605,
	has 1890 population 831 sagt source_263605,
	has 1895-12-02 area 6.654 sagt source_1023281 (S. 144 / 145),
	has 1895-12-02 population 824 sagt source_1023281 (S. 144 / 145),
	has 1910-12-01 population 859 sagt source_263605 sagt source_265044,
	has 1925 households 202 sagt source_1023282 (Seite 39),
	has 1925 population 685 sagt source_263605,
	has 1925-06-16 population 685 sagt source_1023282 (p. 39),
	has 1931 area 6.372 sagt source_1023282 (p. 39),
	has 1933 population 704 sagt source_190312 sagt source_263605,
	has 1939 population 738 sagt source_190312,
	has 1946 population 674 sagt source_284918,
	has 1950 population 725 sagt source_263605,
	has 1993 population 504 sagt source_263605,
	has 1994 population 514 sagt source_263605,
	has 1995 population 507 sagt source_263605,
	has 1996 population 524 sagt source_263605,
	has 1997 population 528 sagt source_263605,
	has 1998 population 531 sagt source_263605,
	has 1999 population 520 sagt source_263605,
	has 2000 population 530 sagt source_263605,
	has 2001 population 532 sagt source_263605,
	has 2002 population 530 sagt source_263605,
	has external reference  geonames:2957184,
	has external reference  opengeodb:13599,
	has from 1991-07-01 until 1993-12-05 municipal id 12012010 sagt source_1077051,
	has from 1993-07-01 postal code 16259,
	has from 1993-07-01 postal code 65614,
	has from 1993-12-06 until 2003-10-25 municipal id 12064024 sagt source_290784,
	has name (in deu) Alt Glietzen,
	has name (in deu) Altglietzen sagt source_290784,
	has name (in deu) Glietzen,
	has name (in deu) Talhof,
	has until 1993-06-30 postal code O1311,
	has until 1993-06-30 postal code W6251,
	is (in deu) Hof,
	is 1992-12-31 part of object_1147232 sagt source_1331592,
	is from 1816 until 1946-03-14 part of object_190196 sagt source_190312 sagt source_292981,
	is from 1874-10-01 part of object_1048281 sagt source_1023281 (S. 144 / 145) sagt source_1023282 (p. 39) sagt source_1331590 sagt source_1331591 sagt source_1335058 (Außerordentliche Beilage S. 8 Nr. 26) sagt source_1336431 (§ 55),
	is from 1935-04-01 until 2003-10-25 (in deu) Gemeinde sagt source_190312 sagt source_290784,
	is from 1946-03-15 until 1952-07-24 part of object_263367 sagt source_149277 sagt source_284918 sagt source_292981,
	is from 1952-07-25 until 1993-12-05 part of adm_142012 sagt source_290784,
	is from 1992-12-07 until 2003-10-25 part of object_152433 sagt source_149275 sagt source_290784,
	is from 1993-12-06 until 2003-10-25 part of adm_142064 sagt source_290784,
	is part of BESICHJO40BL,
	is until 1935-03-31 (in deu) Landgemeinde sagt source_265044,
	is until 1945 part of object_1048356 sagt source_1023281 (S. 144 / 145) sagt source_1023282 (p. 39),
	is until 1945 part of object_285721 sagt source_1023281 (Seite 144 / 145) sagt source_1023282 (p. 39),
	located at 50.48094°N 8.16488°O;